miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

The new "Technology Texts"

As we know, in terms of language we can find written and oral language. The written one is the planned one, the one that gots delayed interacion and discourse markers; and the oral one is spontaneus, it is based on instant interaction and related to tuning and pitching. It is important to mention the elements of context that both of this types of language has: Audience, Purpose and Topic. To show the right type of language that we want we gotta make a good use of Register (word choice, related to lexis). According to the different text types, we can find commonly: narrative, persuasive, informative and argumentative. Contemporary society has included new ones: such as websites, e-mails and text messages.

One method employed in writing about this new types of text is that we have a constant use of CONTRACTIONS, words like "Don't, They're, It's and Doesn't.

In e-mails we have:
  • Punctuation marks may be omitted
  • Prosodic features through lower or upper cases
  • Abbrebiations
  • Emoticons
In text messages we have:
  • Shortened words
  • Phonetic spelling
  • Letter Homophones
  • Number Homophones
  • Grammatical compression
In many cases both of this features are included.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Apple includes the new "i3-D" in the iproducts by Vicente Jander

                    The leader of daily-use technological products, Apple, is back, and brings with him an all new improvement to the digital screens of the Iphones and Ipads: 3-D. The particularity about this betterment is that there is no use of glasses required to "see" the third dimensional images, the new application done to the inside coring of the products allows them to proyect images and make them "get out" of the screen. The company, founded by Steve Jobs, expect to take this product to the market world-wide in May. A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. "Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets." affirmed Steve Jobs.

                  Johnny Chung, a french scientist that belong to the Engineering Human-Computer Interaction (EHCI) introduced this new application, and consists in including a frontal camera in the Iphone or Ipad; that will "record" the angle of the face, generating a perspective for the Iproduct to the face of the person or the its position and according to that, it proyects the images. This improvement is considered by alot the "most relevant tech event in months", because the type of living that we carry everyday makes us to want more; and in less time. "If something has given the modern society to men, is the uncapability to wait".

                Experts on marketing expect that the sales of the 3-D Ipads and Iphones should be explosive, such as the launching of the Ipad (approximately five months ago), which gave Apple one of the best years in terms of profits, earning more than US 100 million. A poll done confirms that more than 74% of the people prefers the Ipad with the third dimensional application that the one that hasn't; so it should be the soldest Apple pruduct in 2011. At least for this year, because other trademarks (Samsung in their "tablets") are thinking in including this new improvement. 


We live in times of questions without answers and uncertain trues. All true that is taught to us may not be a fact or true, and if is it; how can we prove it? All this appears mostly in reality right now; in post-modern times. This term is very used today, the term "post-modernism", but do we really know its meaning and its characteristics? Television, newspapers and magazines tells us different truths, but which one of them is the right one ? The different point of view taken by different types of media makes us doubt about the reality; is CNN or FOXnews right? is more appropiate to buy "La Cuarta" or "El Mercurio"? which is right, Science or Religion? All of these are questions that back in the past (Victorian Times and before) where not asked, they were not doubts; the only reality was up to royalty, the queen was always right, it doesn't mattered if she said that killing was a funny sport; people would have considered it their reality. This is the fact that makes difference and makes this epoch the most particular above all the others: doubting about all the reality presented to us.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

The leader in technology: Apple includes 3-D techonology in their Iphones and Ipads, and WITHOUT GLASSES!

From what can be described as an huge advantage that Apple had taken in comparisonn to the rest of the companies (being in fact huge because this society demands innovation inmediatly, so a month of advantage in launching products is considered alot); the newest innovation that one of the biggest trademarks in the world, Apple, had taken is to include the 3-D technology into his newest product: the Ipad. Johnny Chung Lee had introduced this new idea that will lead to the “latest technological event” since some months; and practically passed all the 3-D televisors and products; the reason: there is no need to use the glasses, its inside coring consists on proyect in the screen to give the Ipad an effect of third-dimensional images. Once again, Apple leads the tech campaing.

Post - Modernism

We live in times of questions without answers and uncertain trues. All true that is taught to us may not be a fact or true, and if is it; how can we prove it? All this appears mostly in reality right now; in post-modern times. This term is very used today, the term "post-modernism", but do we really know its meaning and its characteristics? Television, newspapers and magazines tells us different truths, but which one of them is the right one ? The different point of view taken by different types of media makes us doubt about the reality; is CNN or FOXnews right? is more appropiate to buy "La Cuarta" or "El Mercurio"? which is right, Science or Religion? All of these are questions that back in the past (Victorian Times and before) where not asked, they were not doubts; the only reality was up to royalty, the queen was always right, it doesn't mattered if she said that killing was a funny sport; people would have considered it their reality. This is the fact that makes difference and makes this epoch the most particular above all the others: doubting about all the reality presented to us.